is popular as a houseplant. It is mostly preferred because of the many health benefits it offers. The benefits range from the removal of chemicals in the air to humidity control. If you are considering this plant for its beautification, you will be spoilt for choice. There are many kinds of this plant that you can pick from especially if you are targeting a tropical look. You can go with the Fragrans (corn plant), Braunii (the Lucky Bamboo plant), Marginata (Madagascar Dragon Tree) and so on. However, for that perfect look with dracaena, you need to take proper care of the plant. Here are a few points to help you achieve the best look.
Best growing conditions
If there is no direct light, dracaena will do best in an environment that is bright. It can also be maintained in a lower light environment with good care. Don’t place your plant in hot direct sun.
When overwatered, the plant is prone to root rot particularly if it is in a lower light environment. Spider mites may be a nuisance if the plant is in a hot, sunny location. Keep an eye out for them as well as leaf scorch.
As you may already know, dracaena can take generations to be fully grown. However, with proper care, the growth can be accelerated. One way of accelerating growth is to ensure the plant receives adequate sunlight and that the soil does not dry out. Dry soil causes the plant to wilt and the plant may take a very long time to recover. Great care will ensure you achieve and enjoy a beautiful tropical look.
When you purchase dracaena in a pot, the first thing you need to do before you start irrigating it is to check the soil with a probe. In lower light, water the plant when the potting media has dried to ½ to ¾ of the pot’s depth. In bright light, water when soil is dry to a depth of 1/2.
For the new plants that have minimal roots, only water with a cane. Plants with an established root system can be watered thoroughly. Again, if kept too wet, dracaena is prone to root rot. A slight drooping of the plant’s leaves is a sign of under-watering whereas the first sign of overwatering is the yellowing of the tips of the leaves.
Keep foliage clean
The lower leaves may yellow. Remove the yellow leaves and trim the brown tips to the natural shape. A new plant will often shed its old foliage when moved to a new environment. It will, however, acclimate and turn into a beautiful plant that suits your tropical look.
You must always keep an eye out for insect problems. Check your plant for thrips, mealy-bug and mites. It is okay to wash the leaves with soapy water when controlling pests.
The above practices will help achieve the tropical look you desire. However, you must always remember that the dracaena is a slow growing plant. Don’t be impatient with it.