Growers – Powdery Mildew on Houseplants, How to Get Rid of It

Growers understand that one of the main challenge plant owners have is that of dealing with pests. There are so many pests out there. Their attacks can weaken a healthy plant to the extent of causing it to die. If you are concerned about the health of your plant, it is good to learn of the main pests that attack it and learn of ways to deal with them. You need to do this long before you notice the pests on your plants. Mildew is a common problem that plant owners have.

Have you noticed a powdery substance on the leaves of your dracaena or any other houseplant that you own? This is most likely mildew. You need to deal with this problem as soon as possible as the fungus usually spreads rapidly. Powdery mildew on the plants is a fungal disease. It starts by producing circular powdery white spots on the foliage of your plant. With time, the disease will cover the entire plant. The plant may succumb to the disease with time. Control should start immediately as this disease is quite contagious. You should separate the affected plants from the healthy ones.

Plantscaper suppliers know that fungus affects plants outdoors but that the powdery mildew is more common indoors due to the unique conditions. For indoor powdery mildew to form, it needs a temperature of 70 F. The problem is common when there is poor air circulation and low light. This fungus will thrive in drier conditions.

The fluffy stuff that forms on the plant is the result of the mycelium that is formed by the fungal spores. These spores will spread rapidly in air and when splashed on plants, they infect them. The reason why you should seek control advice from wholesale nurseries experts is because of how aggressive and contagious this disease is.

Controlling it
The first thing you need to do in the control of powdery mildew is not to mist the plants. The powder rubs off easily when touched with the fingers. When watering your plant, you should make sure that the leaves don’t get wet. Keeping your draceana well-spaced will further enhance airflow and prevent the spread of the fungal disease.

All the infected plants should be isolated from the healthy ones. If only parts of the plant are affected, you need to pinch off the affected parts. If you must use chemical control, always liaise with interiorscaper suppliers to understand the best approach. You can also use organic milk to spray the plant. Mix ne part organic milk with nine parts water then spray your plant once every week. Adequate ventilation will be needed.

Powdery mildew is common. Controlling the problem as soon as you notice it is the key to preventing devastating outcomes. You should also consider working with the experts on this. Trial and error will only cause more problems.
