“Why we shop with Green House Nurseries: It’s simple. Quality and Service. They have consistently excellent plant material, with a large inventory and wide variety of the plant types and sizes that we need most. They are responsive to our needs, and we receive personal attention well above and beyond our expectations”.
Bruce Richardson, Owner
The Plant Affair
Los Angeles, CA
“Green House Nurseries is a great place to shop, they have a great selection and rarely disappoint. Paul and Mark are excellent to deal with. Paul, with his interiorscape background offers experience-based advice and Mark is always there to help regardless of the request, big or small. Lastly, everyone at Green House Nurseries is “just nice people”, helpful, accommodating and knowledgeable, which makes it a great place to shop”
Joe Haslett, Owner
Innovative Plantscapes, Inc.
Chatsworth, CA
“Why do i shop at Green House? Quality and selection of plants, the option of GHN providing a delivery service for jobs that are too large for my truck. and of course, Paul and Mark, and Peggie, who are always friendly and helpful.”
Ed Mingura
Mingura Plant Service
Thousand Oaks, CA
“I appreciate the high quality of the plant material and the fact that they carry more of the exotic plants, not just the usual suspects. The staff is very knowledgeable, offering helpful suggestions, and is experienced in all aspects of Plantscaping, more than just the plants.”
Bruce Brown, Owner
Indoor Plant Professionals
Valencia, CA
“Paul, Mark, Peggie and all the staff at Green House Nurseries are so helpful. They always have the best quality plants and go out of their way to find whatever I might need to keep my company running smoothly. They stand behind their products and I highly recommend them.”
Karen Goldberg, Owner
The Plant Wizard
Reseda, CA
“I have the greatest appreciation for the high level of customer service I receive at Green House Nurseries. They provide consistent high quality in their plants and products, and it is their knowledgeable and helpful and friendly staff that keeps me coming back.”
Kim Peters, Account Manager
ValleyCrest Landscape Maintenance
San Fernando, CA
“I’ve been buying and maintaining interior plants in Southern California for over 25 years. One of the many reasons I use Green House Nurseries as my main supplier is they carry the unusual and weird stuff. And I don’t just mean Mark and Paul.”
Sherri Myers, Owner
Interior Plant Designs
Antelope Valley, CA
A trustworthy source for plants and accessories followed up with quality service marks the Difference between Green House Nurseries and other sources for Plantscape products today. Interior Plant Specialties appreciates what Green House Nurseries offers in a consistent and dependable manner.”
Gene and Gary, Owners
Interior Plant Specialties
Simi Valley, CA
“Whenever I visit their nursery, they treat me like a king and they have the most interesting selections any interiorscaper could want for any level of interiorscape service.”
Mark Yamor
Owner and Sole Proprietor
The Natural Law Plant Company
Los Angeles, CA
“Those wonderful people at Green House Nurseries (Mark Whitten along with Paul and Peg Needleman) spearhead an organization known for its wide variety of product availability and commitment to outstanding service. Doing business with them is a plant specialist’s dream. They have the ability to cater to the most demanding vendor, (bringing plants in from all over the world if necessary) while maintaining a commitment and enthusiasm for the smaller businesses. They will absolutely go to the ends of the earth to fulfill a client’s needs and are always ready to greet one with a smile and enthusiasm. Flat out…..they’re the best. We count them as friends as well as business associates.”
Chery I and Dick DeCoit
GreenScapes, Inc. A Growing Company
Burbank, CA